Medical Ethics Prof: ‘Penalize’ Unvaccinated Americans by Raising Hospital Rates, Denying Them Affordable Health Insurance.

So mush for having ‘ethics’. When you want to deny basic human rights to people simply because they are unvaxxed probably means you shouldn’t be teaching ethics of any sort. Has anyone noticed that those screaming the loudest in favor of violating human rights are jewish?

Appearing with Jewish CNN host John Berman , Jewish NYU bioethics professor Arthur Caplan said the unvaxxed should be “shamed,” “blamed,” and “penalized” for refusing to go along with mask and vaccine mandates.

The radical NYU professor has previously advocated instituting a two-tier society solution to pressure vaccine-skeptical people to get the vaccine. “If you promise people more mobility, more ability to get a job, more ability to get travel, that’s a very powerful incentive to actually achieve fuller vaccination,” Caplan explained to host Fareed Zakaria.

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